Happy New Year - Resolutions?

Happy New Year -Resolutions? Do you make New Year's resolutions? Do you keep them? Thought it would be fun to dive into the New Year, with thoughts about the New Year. Did you know that January 1 has not always been celebrated as the New Year. It is actually only recently that the calender date January 1 was considered the 1st day of the New Year, until 1751 in England and Wales ( and all British dominions) the new year started on March 25 - one of the four quarter days, the change to January took place in 1600 in Scotland. Since then, January has been the first day of the year. During the Middle Ages several other days were variously taken as the beginning of the calendar year: March 1, March 25, September 1, December 25. In modern times, with the expansion of Western culture to many places around the world during recent centuries, the Gregorian calendar has been adopted by many other countries as the official calendar, and the January 1...