Nissan & Mitsubishi Show and Meet 2012

Saturday, September 8, was the 3rd Annual Nissan & Mitsubishi Show and Meet 2012 hosted by,, and the Bruce Titus Automotive Group, Inc..  It was a huge success, and a lot of fun!  We had cars come from all over the state and from as far away as Montana.  While the show & meet required pre-registration, the registration for this event was free.  All expenses were picked up by an incredible list of sponsors and vendors.  Vendors and sponsors and were incredibly generous with their offerings for the raffle, providing  everything from T-shirts and swag packs to hundreds of dollars in Gift Certificates.  All were coveted prizes with huge value, and raffle sales were excellent.  Raffle tickets were a $1 a piece and all proceeds went to the JBLM Fisher House at Joint Base Lewis McChord.  Please visit the list of vendors at the bottom of this article, and stop by their website or Like them on Facebook.  They are deserving of your patronage.  Not only are they supportive of the car community, but of goodwill and generousity to many organizations, such as JBLM Fisher House, which was the recipient of the day's proceeds.

Olympia Nissan:  Nissan & Mitsubishi Car Show & Meet 2012

There will be much talk over the next couple weeks about the cars, the people and the vendors at this years meet, but we want to spend this time focusing on JBLM Fisher House.  I had the opportunity to spend some time with the people of Fisher House, and I was impressed by all that they provide.  I was also saddened to hear that while this incredible service is available, many people are unaware of its existence.  We hope to change that.

About Fisher House Foundation, Inc.

The Fisher House program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America's military families in their time of need.  The program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and the hardships of military service by meeting a humanitrian need beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.

Because members of the miltiary and their families are staioned worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House Foundation builds and donates "comfort homes," on the grounds of major military and VA medical cetners.  These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times-during hsopitalization for an unexpected illness, desease or injury.

There is at least one Fisher House at every major military medical center to assist families in need and to ensure that they are provided with the comforts of home in a supportive environment.  Annually, the Fisher House program serves about 17,000 families, and has made over 4 milllion days of lodging to nearly 160,000 families since the program originated in 1990.  By law, there is no charge for any family to stay at a Fisher House operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs; Fisher House Foundation uses doations to reimburse the individual Fisher Houses opoerated by the Army, Navy and Air Force.  No family pays to stay at any Fisher House!

In addition to constructing new houses, Fisher House Foundation continues to support existing Fisher Houses and help individual military families in need.  The Foundation is also proud to administer and sponsor Scholarships for Military Children, Heroes' Legacy Scholarships, the Hero Miles program, Team Fisher House and co-sponsor the Newman's Own Awards program and the Joanne Holbrook Patton Military Spouse Scholarship Program.

By contributing to the Fisher House Foundation or any individual Fisher House facility, you can make a difference in the lives of America's service members, retirees, veterans and their families when they need help the most.  Fisher House Foundation and individual Fisher Houses depend on public donations to continue our important work.  If you designate your contribution for a specific purpose or Fisher House, 100 percent of your donation will be allocated for that purpose.

Futhermore, fisher House Foundation never discloses the names of its donaors to any other individuals or organizations, and does not solicit contributions by direct mail or telephone.

Once constructed, each Fisher House is given to the U.S. government as a gift.  Military Service secretaries and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the of the homes.  Fisher House Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code, builds new houses, assists in coordinating private support and encourages public support for the homes.

Donations to Fisher House Foundation and/or individual Fisher House facilities are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law.  Fisher House Foundation has earned the hightest rating (four stars) from Charity Navigator, an independent nonprofit evaluator.  Fisher House Foundation has also received an A+ rating from the American Institute of Phlanthropy.

JBLM Fisher house (pictured above) is located at 9999 Wilson AVE, JBLM, WA 98433 -


So many have forgotten that we are still at war, a war that has left thousands of our nation's heroes with life-altering injuries - injuries that require lengthy hospital visits and continuing care.

By contributing to Fisher House Foundation, you can make a difference in the lives of America's service members, veterans and their families when they need help the most.  Our houses offer a "home away from home, " and a safe and comfortable sanctuary as their loved ones recover from their wounds.

Fisher House Foundation depends on public donations to continue their important work.  With your donation, they are able to build more Fisher Houses, helping even more families.


Fisher House Foundation operates the Hero Miles Program using donated frequent flyer miles to b ring family members to the bedside of injured service members.  To date, Hero Miles has issued more than 22,000 airline tickets to our military and their families.

We are honored to be a part of such a wonderful community and proud to support Fisher House-JBLM!

Thank you to all of our supporters and sponsors!
Car Medic
BLD - Bruce Titus Automotive Group, Inc.


  1. Hopefully we can make this next year. I heard was an awesome turn out.
    Mitsubishi Jacksonville


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